This year, Peter Carnley Anglican Community School (PCACS) launched the Netball Academy for students in Year 7 – Year 10. Miss Lauren Rudrum, a Development Accredited Coach, leads the Academy, providing students with the opportunity to develop their netball, leadership and teamwork skills. Encompassing theory and practical aspects of netball, students learn about rules, tactics, fitness, nutrition, and injury prevention. The Academy will also allow students to become Accredited Coaches and Umpires themselves. PCACS has already this year hosted a visiting school netball team from Singapore and enjoyed a day of intense international competition!
We want to create a culture of excellence and enjoyment of netball at PCACS and help our students reach their full potential. The students within the Academy have a strong bond as team-mates. They strive to be the best player, not only for themselves but for their team. They all aspire to improve as players, coaches and umpires, representing the future of this wonderful sport, from community grassroots to the elite national and international level.